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About Us

About Us is about providing helpful resources for single Mothers. There are many non profit, government, and private corporations that help single Mothers. does not directly provide assistance. We provide the listings that provide the assistance. Many of these resources do not readily show up on the Internet which is why we created this directory. Please contact the single mother resources directly to obtain assistance. We always provide phone numbers and websites (if the resources provide them) for you to find help.

Why do we have advertisements on the website? We have advertisements on the website to help us offset the costs for the research to find local assistance resources, web development, and server costs. This helps us provide this service for free. Hopefully the advertising is not intrusive to you if you are needing assistance.

If you need to contact us, fill out the form below. If you are looking to make an update to a resource listed, please be specific as to your name, location, phone number. We have many resources with very similar names and we need to make sure we correct information properly.

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