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Climb Wyoming’s Sweetwater Area Climb Wyoming’s Sweetwater Area

Climb Wyoming’s Sweetwater Area

Rock Springs, WY
Contact Information

4020 Dewar Drive, Suite B
Rock Springs, WY - 82901

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About Climb Wyoming’s Sweetwater Area

Climb Wyoming’s Sweetwater Area program was established in 2007, featuring such trainings as short-haul truck driving, warehouse tech­nol­ogy and healthcare careers. The uniquely comprehensive Climb program model was developed in 1986 to help move single mothers out of poverty. To date, the program has helped more than 2,000 families reach self-sufficiency, the effects of which will be felt for generations to come. To meet Wyoming’s workforce needs, Climb trains women to enter a variety of occupations: construction and energy, health care, truck driving, office careers, and more. The basis of the Climb model is a job training and placement program, but there is more to permanent life change than getting a job. Other skills are needed, skills that ensure successful relationships on the job and in the home. Essential elements of the Climb model include life skills, parenting skills and mental health services to address personal barriers that have impeded success in the past.

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