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Baca County Department of Social Services Baca County Department of Social Services

Baca County Department of Social Services

Springfield, CO
Contact Information

772 Colorado St
Springfield, CO - 81073

(719) 523-4131 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below. Go To Website Go to Facebook
About Baca County Department of Social Services

Child Care Assistance The Colorado Child Assistance Program (CCAP) program provides child care assistance to families who are working, searching for employment, or are in training, and families who are enrolled in the Colorado Works Program and need child care services to support their efforts toward self-sufficiency. CCAP provides you access to reduced cost child care at licensed child care facilities or qualified (unlicensed) providers. The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program is administered through county departments of social/human services under the direction of the CDHS Division of Early Care and Learning. Counties set income maximums for eligibility for families, but must serve families with income of 165 percent or less of the federal poverty guideline ( if funding allows), and may not serve families that have income of over 85 percent of the state median income. You may be eligible to participate in CCAP if you:  * Reside in Colorado * Are working, seeking employment, or are participating in training/education * Have at least one child who is under 13 years old (or 19 years old if the child has special needs or disability and requires child care) * Have a family income of less than the county defined maximum Recipients with income are responsible to pay the portion of the cost of the child care. Apply on the Colorado PEAK website.

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