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Thurman Adams State Service Center Thurman Adams State Service Center

Thurman Adams State Service Center

Georgetown, DE
Contact Information

546 S. Bedford Street
Georgetown, DE - 19947

(302) 515-3080 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below. Go To Website Go to Facebook
About Thurman Adams State Service Center

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is Delaware's main cash assistance program for single mothers. This office provides applications to determine eligibility for Delaware's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program, General Assistance, Food Stamps, Child Care and Medicaid programs. T The TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) program is administered through a joint effort of the Division of Social Services (DSS), Delaware Department of Labor, Delaware Department of Transportation and the Delaware Economic Development Office. The goal of TANF is to give people temporary help until they get a job. Within the program both the State and the TANF client have responsibilities. The State provides positive incentives for the family to become self-sufficient, and the family must accept responsibility to become self-sufficient and self-supporting. Time on TANF is limited for most people. You can get benefits for 36 months, but you must work or participate in work related activities for 30 hours a week to receive a TANF check. You must have minor children or be taking care of minor children you are related to in order to qualify. Delaware extends eligibility to women in their ninth month of pregnancy and to 18-year-old high school students who will graduate before turning 19. Free government assistance with Childcare in Delaware: Child Care Services provides support for families with young children to enable the caretaker to hold a job, obtain training or meet special needs of the child. Child care may also be provided in child abuse cases to help protect the child. If you are working, you may have to pay a portion of your child care expenses. You may get a list of Child Care Centers and homes in your area from your DSS Case Manager. You will also be able to get more information on the program rules and fees. You may choose your child care provider from: A State licensed Child Care Center A State licensed Child Care family home A license-exempt provider (such as a preschool, a school age program, relative or other person) if you obtain a Child Care Certification Provider Agreement from your DSS Case Manager. The provider must fill out this form and the provider must agree to accept the current state payment rate. The service is available for children from infancy through twelve years of age. DSS determines eligibility based on the need for service and income. The income limit is currently set at 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). If your child is older than 12 and has a special need, you still may be eligible to receive child care. Office Hours: M-F 8am to 4:30pm re.

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