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St Elizabeth's Catholic Charities Housing St Elizabeth's Catholic Charities Housing

St Elizabeth's Catholic Charities Housing

New Albany, IN
Contact Information

601 E Market St
New Albany, IN - 47150

812-949-7305 Click to call There is 1 comment. Scroll down to see the details. Go To Website Go to Facebook
About St Elizabeth's Catholic Charities Housing

St. Elizabeth-Catholic Charities serves as a residence for a unique transitional living program targeting homeless, pregnant and parenting, women ages 18 and older. The Transitional Living Program operates mini-apartments in which women work towards educational and vocational goals and learn life skills to prepare them for self-sufficiency. The women and their children, under the age of four, are able to stay at the transitional home for two years. Since 1996, the average length of stay for a young mom with her child is 10 months. Services include: Residential support: housing and referral options for long-term housing Counseling: Individual, family, couples(co-parenting), groups Clients work towards self-sufficiency by setting short- and long-term individual goals. Encourage personal growth and improvement to foster a spirit of independence and also pass on to their children the same spirit, enabling many to break dependent roles. Work on positive parenting skills and self-care issues as a parent Psycho-educational groups that cover a wide range of topics related to parenting, self-care, and personal growth Case Management Support for personal financial management Education on daily living skills Education and job preparation skills Assistance with financial aid options for college and specialization trainings Assistance with job search, resume building, and interview skills Outreach Services: Referrals to communtiy resources appropriate to client's needs Medical: Prenatal and postnatal care Labor Coaches Postpartum/parenting assistance St, Elizabeth-Catholic Charities Transitional Home provides a place for single mothers to start a new life. Whether the resident is pregnant, parenting, or planning to place her baby in a loving adoptive home, she will be given the support and counseling she needs during that process. Every pregnancy and every woman's life situation is different. If you would like to learn more about St. Elizabeth-Catholic Charities or are interested in applying for residency, please call our office at 812-949-7305 to set up an appointment for a preliminary interview. If you are outside the Kentuckiana area, please call 1-800-227-3002. Upon completion of the intake process and approval, placement is made based on availability in the home.

Mission Statement: The mission of Catholic Charities is to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures, and to call the entire church and other people of good will to do the same.

There are comments
Anonymous - Nov 30, 2021

I graduate the women's healing place this Weds n am need of housing around new Albany Indiana. Work a full-time job as well. If there is any info you can give me or assistance I would greatly appreciate it

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