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SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL Long Term Housing Single Mothers SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL Long Term Housing Single Mothers

SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL Long Term Housing Single Mothers

Louisville, KY
Contact Information

1015-A South Preston Street
Louisville, KY - 40203

(502) 584-2480 Click to call There are 5 comments. Scroll down to see the comments. Go To Website Go to Facebook
About SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL Long Term Housing Single Mothers

Provides long term housing in 12 permanent units for single parent homeless families with female head of household. Units are alcohol and drug-free. Participants are required to follow a case management contract. Must be: Single parent homeless families (female head of household); must meet the HUD definition of homeless: must come from places not meant for human habitation (cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings); an emergency shelter; or transitional housing for the homeless. Must also meet one of the following requirements as well: 1. Receiving or having received documented drug/alcohol treatment or counseling and be at least 9-12 months drug/alcohol free unless working with Drug Court; 2. A documented victim of domestic violence; 3. A documented mental illness; or 4. Physically disabled and have documentation or pending SSI/SSD case. Costs: Tenants pay 30% of household income

There are comments
Anonymous - Jun 25, 2023

I am a 24 year old single mother. I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old. I am actively searching for employment I’m also struggling to get a therapist and medication.

Anonymous - May 28, 2023

Looking for single mother resources

Anonymous - Jan 9, 2023

I'm a single mom with an almost 5 year old I have a job but my transportation went down so I'm missing work I just need a place to stay

Anonymous - Oct 28, 2022

Hello, I am looking for housing for myself and my 3 month old daughter.

Anonymous - May 6, 2022

Emergency housing

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