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AAH of Bergen County Washington

Washington, NJ
Contact Information

267 R Pascack Road
Washington, NJ - 07676

(201) 664 - 170 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below. Go To Website Go to Facebook
About AAH of Bergen County Washington

Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am-5:00 pm. Consistent with the agency mission, our supportive services are designed to assist residents in reaching such goals as heightened independence, empowerment and personal achievement in a setting with fewer restrictions than they may have been used to. The degree of supportive services provided is determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the individual's care plan and the objectives they have established for themselves in consultation with our staff. Services include: - Assistance with activities of daily living - Basic financial literacy - Assistance with cleaning and cooking - Peer counseling - Assistance with securing entitlements and benefits - Coordination of healthcare and mental health services - Social skills development, and - Transportation In addition, all residents are requested to participate in some form of structured activity five hours/day, four days/week. Activities may include: rehabilitative services, a vocational program, paid employment, volunteer work, or school.

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