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Caritas of Austin Caritas of Austin

Caritas of Austin

Austin, TX
Contact Information

611 Neches St
Austin, TX - 78701

(512) 479-4610 Click to call There are 2 comments. Scroll down to see the comments. Go To Website Go to Facebook
About Caritas of Austin

Provides assistance services for the needy. Visit the website provided for full information on the services provided. We found a Housing Stabilization Service provided by Caritas. Here is the description found on their website: Caritas provides financial assistance and supportive services to families and individuals who are experiencing a housing crisis or short-term homelessness in order to prevent them from becoming homeless or return them to housing. Caritas Mission: Caritas provides a service continuum for those experiencing poverty that begins with a safety net and links them to resources to achieve self-sufficiency.

There are comments
Anonymous - Aug 17, 2020

Need help

Anonymous - Dec 8, 2021

I’m need help for me and my daughter and I have one on the way and I trying to get on my feet and do the best thing I can to get situated for them

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