Catholic Charities Crisis Intervention

San Antonio, TX
Contact Information

1801 W. Durango
San Antonio, TX - 78207

(210) 226-6178 Click to call There are 2 comments. Scroll down to see the comments. Go To Website Go to Facebook
About Catholic Charities Crisis Intervention

Provides direct financial assistance for rent and utilities, prescription assistance, food and clothing assistance for low-income individuals and families. The program goal is to help those in crisis cope and aachieve self-sufficiency through advocacy, education, counseling and information and referral assistance. Utility and rent assistance is sometimes subject to available funding. Prescription assistance is limited to $50. Food and clothing is always available. Call for an appointment. Must meet City income eligibility requirements.

There are comments
Anonymous - Feb 5, 2021

I'm single mom with new born baby boy and a 2 years daughter need some help.

Anonymous - Apr 7, 2021

Hello, I am married but my husband lives in Mexico, still waiting for his appointment in Juarez. I need a place to stay for 2 months only. I've been looking but rent is too expensive. It's just me and my 9 yo boy. Please let me know where can I look or where can I go to ask. Thank you

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