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Good Samaritans of Garland

Garland, TX
Contact Information

214 North 12th St
Garland, TX - 75040

972-276-2263 Click to call There is 1 comment. Scroll down to see the details. Go To Website Go to Facebook
About Good Samaritans of Garland

Good Samaritans is able to provide assistance with utility bills for both City of Garland Utilities and for TXU customers living in our service area. Each program is different and has different requirements so anyone wanting to refer someone to Good Samaritans for help should ask that they call first to find out if they qualify. The phone number is 972-276-2263. Food For Families Program: This program was started in Garland by Good Samaritans in 2002. Three agencies, Friendship House, Network of Community Ministries, and Good Samaritans hand out vouchers throughout the month. On the third Thursday of each month all the families with vouchers come to the parking lot of Springcreek Community Church at Beltline and Shiloh in north Garland. A truck from the Food Bank delivers nine pallets of food that are then counted and divided so each family gets the same amount. Volunteers load the food into the cars as the voucher holders drive past. The items vary each month so one never knows what to expect.

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Anonymous - Nov 8, 2022

Hi I’m currently 7 months pregnant and having a lot of complaints with my pregnancy so it’s making it hard for me to go to work. And I’ve falling behind on some bills. Like light bill internet and storage bill

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