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Plateau Outreach Ministries Food Pantry and Clothing Assistance Plateau Outreach Ministries Food Pantry and Clothing Assistance

Plateau Outreach Ministries Food Pantry and Clothing Assistance

Enumclaw, WA
Contact Information

1806 Cole St
Enumclaw, WA - 98022

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About Plateau Outreach Ministries Food Pantry and Clothing Assistance

Food and Clothing Bank Plateau Outreach Ministries welcomes all in need of emergency food and clothing! The food bank provides non-perishable fresh and frozen foods each Wednesday. Food for emergencies is available throughout the week from our \"emergency pantry,\" through our office or More Pennies from Heaven thrift store during open hours. The food bank is supported by Northwest Harvest, a regional food bank non-profit; Orowheat Bakery; Starbucks; Pizza Hut; local farmers, churches, businesses and individuals. Clothing for the clothing bank is provided through donations from POM's thrift store, More Pennies From Heaven, as well as direct donations from community members, businesses and local organizations. The food and clothing banks serve 80 - 100 families per week (or about 300 to 350 individuals). The food and clothing banks are located directly behind More Pennies from Heaven thrift store, with an entrance on Marshall Street. Food and Clothing Bank: Wednesdays 9:30 am - 12:00 pm Emergency Pantry: Monday - Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

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