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Barron County Dept. of Health & Human Services

Barron, WI
Contact Information

330 East La Salle Avenue
Barron, WI - 54812

(715) 537-5691 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below. Go To Website
About Barron County Dept. of Health & Human Services

Child Care Assistance Eligibility applications and Authorizations office Wisconsin's Child Care Subsidy program, Wisconsin Shares, helps families pay for child care. If the parent is eligible, child care can be subsidized for children under the age of 13 (up to 19 if special needs). Eligibility Guidelines Qualifying Activities: A parent, a foster parent, relative, or person acting in place of a parent, who is eligible for child care subsidy, must participate in one of the following activities: Unsubsidized work attend high-school (if a teen parent under 20 years of age) participate in W-2 employment program participate in employment skills training and continue being in unsubsidized employment participate in Food Stamp Employment and Training work search or work experience programs. If the parent is approved for child care financial assistance, the child must be under the age of 13 years (under 19 if special needs) and enrolled in a regulated care setting: A licensed child care center A licensed family child care home A certified family child care home A child care program run by a public school.

Mission Statement: To meet essential health and safety needs and to promote an independent and enhanced quality of life for the people of Barron County.

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