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North Carolina Single Mother Assistance

We uncover non profit and governmental assistance programs for single mothers in North Carolina

Below we have listed numerous resources for single mothers in North Carolina. You can search for local city listings in the search box below.

We provide as much detailed information as possible on our listings. Services exist for many of the following
- Food Assistance
- Housing Assistance
- Cash Assitance for needy families
- Rental Assistance
- Rehab Assistance
- Child Care Assistance
- Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Programs

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Find the Nearest Single Mother Assistance Location in North Carolina

Partner for Children and Families Moore County

7720 NC Highway 22
Carthage, NC - 28327
(910) 949-4045

Mitchell-Yancey County Partnership for Children

239 East Main St
Burnsville, NC - 28714
(828) 682-0717

Hope for the Future Children\'s Foundation, Inc

22 West Fairway Drive
Etowah, NC - 28729

Smart Start of New Hanover County

3534 S College Road, Ste F
Wilmington, NC - 28412
(910) 815-3731

Alamance County Partnership for Children

2322 River Road
Burlington, NC - 27217
(336) 513-0063

Alexander County Partnership for Children

1565 NC HWY 90 West
Taylorsville, NC - 28681
(828) 632-3799

Alleghany County Partnership for Children

994 North Main Street
Sparta, NC - 28675
(336) 761-5100

Anson County Partnership for Children

117 South Greene Street
Wadesboro, NC - 28170
(704) 694-4036

Ashe County Partnership for Children

626 Ashe Central School Road
Jefferson, NC - 28640
(336) 761-5100

Child Care Solutions Iredell County

433 South Meeting Street
Statesville, NC - 28677
(704) 878-9980