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Pennsylvania Single Mother Assistance

We uncover non profit and governmental assistance programs for single mothers in Pennsylvania

Below we have listed numerous resources for single mothers in Pennsylvania. You can search for local city listings in the search box below.

We provide as much detailed information as possible on our listings. Services exist for many of the following
- Food Assistance
- Housing Assistance
- Cash Assitance for needy families
- Rental Assistance
- Rehab Assistance
- Child Care Assistance
- Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Programs

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Find the Nearest Single Mother Assistance Location in Pennsylvania

Union City Family Support Center

38 N. Main Street
Union City, PA - 16438

A Woman's Concern

616 N. Duke St.
Lancaster, PA - 17602

CCIS of Adams County

153 North Stratton Street
Gettysburg, PA - 17325
(717) 334-7634

CCIS of Allegheny County - City

305 Wood Street
Pittsburgh, PA - 15222
(412) 261-2273

CCIS of Allegheny County - North East

Two Allegheny Center, 4th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA - 15212
(412) 246-4540

CCIS of Allegheny County - South

635 Braddock Avenue, 2nd Floor
East Pittsburgh, PA - 15112
(412) 255-1618

CCIS of Armstrong County

705 Butler Road
Kittanning, PA - 16201
(724) 548-5700

CCIS of Beaver County

1030 8th Avenue, Room 128
Beaver Falls, PA - 15010
(724) 847-0145

CCIS of Bedford County

195 Drive In Lane
Everett, PA - 15537
(814) 623-2002

CCIS of Berks County

1111 Commons Blvd.
Reading, PA - 19612
(610) 987-2247