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South Carolina Single Mother Assistance

We uncover non profit and governmental assistance programs for single mothers in South Carolina

Below we have listed numerous resources for single mothers in South Carolina. You can search for local city listings in the search box below.

We provide as much detailed information as possible on our listings. Services exist for many of the following
- Food Assistance
- Housing Assistance
- Cash Assitance for needy families
- Rental Assistance
- Rehab Assistance
- Child Care Assistance
- Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Programs

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Find the Nearest Single Mother Assistance Location in South Carolina

Abbeville County DSS

903 W. Greenwood St.
Abbeville, SC - 29620
(864) 366-5481

Aiken County DSS

1410 Park Ave., SE
Aiken, SC - 29802
(803) 649-1111

Allendale County DSS

521 Barnwell Hwy.
Allendale, SC - 29810
(803) 584-7048

Anderson County DSS

224 McGee Rd.
Anderson, SC - 29625
(864) 260-4100

Bamberg County DSS

374 Log Branch Rd.
Bamberg, SC - 29003
(803) 245-4363

Barnwell County DSS

10913 Ellenton St.
Barnwell, SC - 29812
(803) 541-1200

Beaufort County DSS

1905 Duke St.
Beaufort, SC - 29902
(843) 255-6080

Berkeley County DSS

2 Belt Drive
Moncks Corner, SC - 29461
(843) 761-8044

Calhoun County DSS

2831 Old Belleville Rd.
St. Matthews, SC - 29135
(803) 874-1612

Charleston County DSS

3366 Rivers Ave.
N. Charleston, SC - 29405
(843) 953-9400